Chemical Peel
This treatment is also called VI Peel, this can be only performed by a Certified Provider, such as Md, PA or NP.
Application areas are face, neck, back, arm, best results with at least 3 treatments.
Application areas are face, neck, back, arm, best results with at least 3 treatments.
VI Peel Portfolio/Benefits:
- Acne, hormonal, adult & acne scaring
- Excessive oil
- Hyperpigmentation & melasma (post pregnancy)
- Post inflammatory pigmentation.
- Early signs of aging, ex. fine lines & wrinkles.
- Collagen stimulation.
- Improves skin tone & smoothers rough skin.
- Rapid cells turnover.
- Results within 7 days.
- Peeling time also 7 days.
- Safe for all skin types. (consultation is needed to determine contraindication).
- Medium-dept peel penetration.